Well, after a swell start to the week atop K4MK’s 130-ft Rohn 45G, installing a new Prosistel 61-D (replacing an old, lightning-damaged Create RCA-5 (amazingly, this little box turned his 2L 75M Yagi for seven years w/no problems at all!), the 2nd task Kent wanted done was to install a big 6M vertical on his 100 foot 25G tower, under the TH-11. Sounds simple enough. But the 15-ft standoff was simply too stand-offish, no matter what rigging we used or tried, the moment was too great and the damn vertical would roll or flop over and no amount of gut-busting strain would enable us to hold it in place. After two hours, I called it quits. I’ll build a simple, smaller standoff from angle iron, and we’ll bolt that it place, and THEN mount the vertical on it, after the fact. Simple, and something that’s done probably dozen of times/day across the land, hi hi…
The rotator turns fine. But there’s some apparent “crosstalk” that causes the Green Heron box to act weird. It’s probably caused by using Romex cable to reach the shack from the tower, which is 600 feet away. We’ll research that a bit to see if we can resolve it.
Next up? Trips to SC probably for small jobs. Although K1TO called today, wanting to know my schedule. We may be going to AL for the 80M beam takedown…although Dan has yet to call back.
stay tuned