Yesterday, while heading up to N4HB’s new QTH (North of Callao, VA), Henry called to say he’d have to cancel, with a small family medical emergency. So, turned around & came back home & ended up going to see the new Coen brother’s movie (TRUE GRIT) later that afternoon. Terrific (the movie, that is), although now the tower work being pushed back will possibly delay a planned trip to Ohio, as well as work up in Culpeper. Hey, “It’s always something,” as Roseanne Roseanna Danna’s Father used to say!
Got the trailer load of tower sections hauled back out to Gaston County this morning. Otherwise, an uneventful day. With the holiday coming up, there’s no chance of getting any serious work done. Awaiting some new reviews on the site from clients. Trying to come up with another viable book idea. Year’s end always “calls into question” the prior year’s worth of activities, & knowing, now, that I can actually write a book-length MSS, I do admit to wanting to try it again….
Spam continues to roll in–some of it possibly “real messages,” but the vast majority just an endless sea of junk. Very weird. How & why anyone would generate such stuff remains a total mystery tome.
For those who’ve bought and/or read the tower book, thanks. I hope you gleaned something worthwhile from it! There’s even a review of the book posted on the webpage now, if you’re so inclined. I’m waiting on ON4UN’s latest, myself.
Until 2011, please stay tuned…