Crazy, Creative, Catskills Comedy

Okay, there wasn’t a whole lot of comedic antics going on up in the Catskills, but W2GD and I (along with helper W2RQ), did manage to install N2QV’s 150-feet of rotating 55G tower, stacked with a set of four WU2X tribanders, this past week. And all of it was done the old-fashioned way–a single stick of tower at a time, along with manually tramming each beam up, in to position. No crane access is possible to Tariq’s location, with no passable road, etc.
So, the job required just simple, hard work, with long days, dodging the weather issues (the long range forecast was for good weather throughout, but we had rain almost every afternoon).

And…wonder of wonders, everything worked perfectly, first time, every time, once installed. From the Array Solutions new Stack-Match Plus to K0XG’s hardware, things went together smoothly and functioned as planned. (Okay, I DID have to re-drill the XG truss mounting plates, but that was the only fly in the ointment.)

A very nice installation, indeed.

Next up, some local work, then another extended trip to K1VR’s, up in MA.
stay tuned…N2QV 002

N2QV 013              Monday visitor to job-site got our attention





Finished four stack, wow!

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