It’s visit the medicos day.
Opthamologist in the AM–to ensure the eyes are doing okay. Then the Ortho Doc after lunch–to ensure the knee is progressing okay.
Made a bunch of notes while at Dayton & afterward to review several blogs. What’s most interesting is how many of them contain some language referring to their “lack of focus,” or otherwise rambling nature. A way to vent, let off steam, wax poetic (rare), or simply ponder the mysteries of the universe vis-a-vis ham radio. Maybe I’m missing the boat or aiming my arrows in the wrong direction? Does not this vague, unfocused nature get boring all too quickly?
Or maybe I’m doing the same thing & don’t realize it? A review is in order, apparently…
After lunch, I’ll be in the shop, repairing the lawn mower, which broke down yesterday afternoon. After finishing the yard, I’ll be in the shop building junction boxes for the orbital ring rotators, which will go down to the NR5M radio ranch. We need seven more, so I’m building 10 to get a bit ahead…
Then, if help’s available, will be trying to finish the installation of N4IZ’s new TH-11 tomorrow. Another small takedown here in Charlotte after that, then travel throughout NC after that….
Comments welcome on this blog & its subject matter of course!
stay tuned