Apologies for missing Day TWO, but some glitch in MS Explorer simply prevented the admin page here from loading properly. As is often the case with computers, I gave up after a few minutes of struggling with things…
Anyhow, today we managed to get four more Yagis down on the ground & dis-assembled–doing things the old fashioned way, by simply tramming them down by hand. Winds had diminished to only about 25MPH, so things went pretty smoothly. We’ve gone as far as we can go & await the crane’s arrival tomorrow.
Sold the old TELREX antennas to N5RZ today, too! Client will be happy, I’m sure. The fly in the ointment now is finding some way to MOVE all the towers & beams to N VA once they’re on the ground. The folks at freightquote.com talked a good deal, but backed out when they learned pickup & delivery were both at residential addresses. Tomorrow I’m researching moving companies.
stay tuned….