Kudos in you know the reference, or where that TITLE above comes from….
It’s the state of mind when reviewing today’s 150 spam count. One message says I’m writing in a boring fashion, when I used to be wonderful; the following message says my writing is just swell & I am to be congratulated for posting useful & usable information.
Oh yes, yesterday client K4ATX compared me to Robert Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance), in terms of writing style. My feet have not touched the ground since! Pirsig was a
unique writer all right, & I spent much of 1974 reading & re-reading this epic work. I was just entering film graduate school (always a time to question one’s values & life decisions), getting divorced, &
changing a myriad of other significant details about my life.
Spent the afternoon working on K4ATX’s US Tower crankup tower. Kim had wanted to change out the rather heavily rusted base T-bracket, but the newly arrived version is radically different from his original model. We’re waiting to see if US Tower can supply one that matches his original base.
In the shop today building things for up-coming jobs. Next week W2GD & I will be back in PA working.
stay tuned…