Well, the planned “File From The Road” idea never reached fruition, as Internet access while traveling left something to be desired!
Herewith, a recap of the week just passed:
Quick dash to W4NF’s for a rotator swap. Jack is using a taper top, a 2-inch taper top. With a 2-inch 4130 mast. After 10 years, he’s developed some rust, so much, in fact, that it’s stopped his Ham III from turning! The problem was compounded by his shack remodel, which kept him off the air (not turning things) for a year. A lightning surge prompted the changeout, and some heavy PB Blaster & a rubberized cap should help keep things turning for a while. Then it was off to WN3R’s, where I managed to finish building the beams & install the new, little 60 ft 25G tower & get them up. The old Prosistel came down from the big SSV tower, totally trashed–the gears are simply gone! Everything freewheeling up top & the cables ripped apart. A new prop pitch is to be installed later this month, a K7NV rebuild, which looks absolutely beautiful.
stay tuned