The job entailed putting up N9JKP’s AN Wireless tower, a heavy duty 80-footer. With two Tennadyne log periodics up top (a T-28 & a T-14). Kevin had done lots of work getting ready, but we were worried about the weather. The forecast was not too positive, with wind & rain heading our way from the West. The crane was scheduled for Wednesday, but we worked hard on Monday & bumped it up a day. Then Wednesday was spent doing all those “little things” required to finalize such installations.
It finally began to rain about 5PM, but we had finished by then, so it was simply a matter of loading all the gear/tools back in the van, grabbing a bite to eat, then more-or-less collapsing to rest.
One of the hardest jobs was installing the ANW-supplied sidearm, to hold the 2M/440 vertical. Since there is no good place to stand on these towers, it meant straddling the sidearm itself with one leg, while standing on the other, leaning out & installing the vertical. The photo shows that, but does nothing to indicate how delightful it felt standing on one foot, hi~!
Then, later that night, I got a call from my Mother, telling me she’s been diagnosed with breast cancer, having suffered through this some 40-years ago, including a radical masectomy. This surgery is scheduled for the day after Thanksgiving, so I’ll be spending some time in Ohio. At age 88, any such procedure is problematic, of course. And, oddly enough, the lady who serves as her caregiver (driving her around & such) has also just been diagnosed with cancer, so won’t be able to help much. Then there’s my XYL, who has to undergo another round of surgery herself, to hopefully get rid of her back nerve pain issues. This month & the next will certainly be taxing in more ways than one.
Tower work, of course, will be delayed a bit, I’m sorry to say.
stay tuned….