K4ZA and K4DXA working on repairing K4MK’s 80M Yagi
Tower Works: That title says it all—if you need tower work done, from installation to repair, I can probably help you!
With 52 years of ham radio experience, I’ve worked on most every size & make of tower/beam, and specialize in Rohn guyed-towers (25, 45, 55G, etc.). Have a solid mechanical & engineering background (National Contest Journal contributing editor), along with all the necessary skills & tools to install, take down, or repair your system, whether it’s 20 or 200-feet high.
Reasonable rates, good reviews, & ability to travel.
The picture, by the way, is Ken, K4DXA, & myself, working on repairing Kent’s, K4MK, 80M Yagi, a 2L Create. After lowering it just a bit, a system of slings allowed me to tilt the boom so Ken could climb down, access the element tips, & lengthen them. We then repeated that process three more times, successfully tuning the beam in the air, on the tower. Kent was very happy with the repair.
50 ft round tower came down in storm has Mosley cl 33 and co-phased 13el 2 meter beams plus 2meter slick can you help fix
NO idea what “round tower” means, unless it’s something like a MA-40 or so…?
No idea if it’s “fixable” either.
If you mean replace it, once you have new mast in hand, we can discuss.
No idea what a “2meter slick” is or means, either.
Don (pse use k4zadondaso for correspondence) & not the blog page
Where are you located at?
Try looking at the “Contact K4ZA” page….??
I have a Rohn 25g 50 foot tower that needs some work. Do you know anyone in the San Francisco Bay Area to help me?
I am looking for a service to install a 70 foot, Rohn 25g radio tower. I am located in West Branch Michigan. How do I go about finding someone who can do this project. I have been there, done that, Rohn 25g & even a 110 foot Rohn 45g system. However, I am 76 years old and no longer a tower climber. Can you give me some direction and advice?
Joe K8OD
I’d search through QRZ for a local radio club. Travel alone for me would be $1200….likely too much. And doing the base/anchors would require two trips! 73 Don K4ZA
Search QRZ for a local radio club. Surely you can find someone within San Francisco area to help you??? Travel for me from NC would eat you alive, hi…. 73 Don k4za
I am handicap and need someone to reinstall radials on a flagpole antenna. I live in Casa Grande, AZ. The original radials were an electrician who did an inadquate job in attaching the radial wires to a round copper ring.
Travel alone would exceed $2200! I suggest you use qrz.com to find local radio club & ask for help.
There has to be some local group or ham capable & willing to help you.
73 Don