Blogging, blogging, blogging, a-blogging we will go…

Well, today’s spam count is down, but among them is one which claims I have waaaayyyyyyyy too many mis-spelled words!  Go figger, huh? Perhaps it’s the use of idioms & ham radio lingo that pushes that writer’s buttons?

I stumbled across a broadcast engineering blog the other day, Googling around for some tower base pictures:          The author of the blog is Paul Thurst, who I believe is KH2R, to keep the ham radio theme going here.   Some truly interesting stories, technical tales, & trouble-shooting procedures.   Worth a look-see!

Picked up the rebar materials for a variety of up-coming jobs today.  Had hoped to hear from the commercial client up in Asheville, in order to get up there & repair their damaged tower, but the cell was silent….  The 25G is still standing there, minus those guy sets.  That’s also worth a look-see!

stay tuned

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