Holiday…but spent the morning in the shop building parts for K4MK’s installation project tomorrow. Kent has a 6M vertical he wants us to put up after we get the new Prosistel 61-D under the 75M Yagi. He has this looooonnnngggg
yardarm he found that some guy had built–heliarced out of aluminum tubing, putting the vertical 11 feet out from the tower!
Since it’s 1.75-inch tubing, it’s quite massive! Will be an interesting install, to say the least. Built up two 1/4-inch plates to hold the thing on the 25G tower. Plus some associated parts for the 61-D: new accessory shelf drilled & painted, & an interface box to hold the control cable.
Kent & I ran over to the Raleigh Hamfest on Saturday, then spent some time discussing his install. Monday should be a pretty full day….
stay tuned