Getting a new shed built out in Gaston County next week & needed to clear away the old lean-to & brush where it’ll be sited. So….to expedite things, I thought I’d rake up all the fallen leaves & burn them (basically I’ve done this with zero problems for 21 years out there). Tuesday, alas, was not quite the same situation. I happened to glance up & over the property, to notice smoke behind the EXISTING shed, I ran over to find the damn thing on fire, along with the woods & leaves-strewn area behind it! Took the volunteer department 17 minutes to arrive, but by then it was too late. Lots of tools & ham gear lost in this little fiasco. And of course, well-meaning folks keep telling me not to worry, that my insurance will take care of it, et cetera. You should see their expressions change when I mention that this IS no insurance, which was cancelled way back when–after robbery #3, hi hi….
So…while the rest of the country was choosing up sides & going to the polls, I was having fun fighting real fire! Luckily, the Fire Marshall did not fine me anything (NC had instituted a state-wide burn ban the previous evening at 5PM. Having gone to bed at 9PM, I had precious little time to learn about that)! Shit happens, indeed.
stay tuned…