The title’s a bit dramatic, but the idea is to reach folks who might otherwise not get the message!
Things are in flux here at Tower Works & the K4ZA household.
The XYL had heart surgery on Monday–a rather simple procedure (not that when we are talking about doing “stuff” to one’s heart things are simple…) to stop her fibrillation problem. She came home Wednesday, although complaining about shortness
of breath, etc. Well, Wednesday night we were back in the ER as she couldn’t breathe. In fact, I really wasn’t sure we were going to get there. I came home 2AM after she was admitted. We then found out on Thursday that she now has pneumonia. This is the second time she’s contracted it while in the hospital. Hopefully she can be sent home Friday.
But obviously (this is the announcement part~!) having to deal with these issues has wreaked havoc with my s0-called schedule. Clients are not forgotten but it’ll obviously take some time to catch up, etc. Please be patient.
stay tuned…