And one of today’s SPAM writers thinks: “Hey, you used to write better…”
Well imagine that. Of course, I’d be shuffling off to the corner & worrying myself silly if I thought there was any validity whatsoever in these damn posts, but all of them appear under the HIRE K4ZA title column, which is simply the first one to appear on the blog page. None ever make any sense.
Got to WA4PKD’s place finally & installed yet another one of these Zero Five ground plane antennas.
My third. They seem to work quite well, surprisingly so, in fact.
Picked up the 55G tower sections for N2ZZ’s installation & began painting them today—all flat black, in order to disguise them as much as possible. Next step is to build a PVRC mount, which will allowme to build the 3L SteppIR antenna ON the tower, a necessary requirement as there’s no room to tram anything up into position. 4PM rainstorm stopped the painting. LOTS of rain.
Tomorrow over to W2YV’s place to begin gathering his gear for sale at the up-coming Charlotte Hamfest.
stay tuned…