My Mother seems to have gotten through the masectomy okay, but I just learned she has literally cracked her back. Just like when she turned at the sink (doing dishes) and broke her hip, she was getting up from the couch, & apparently has broken a bone in her back. She’s elected not to have any surgery to fix it. There are a million myriad reasons why, mostly because she feels it’s not worth it, so she’s simply suffering through the pain and waiting for it to heal (which doctors assure her it will eventually do all on its own, as long as she does not break anything else). Only downside is, she’s even less mobile than previously.
Here at our house, the XYL (wife for non-ham readers) got out of rehab after 23 days, and seems to be doing okay. Her in-home PT is over, and the neck-to-tailbone incision is more-or-less healing, although the top three inches is still open and oozing a bit. Repeated efforts to get professional medical feedback on that are still unanswered. I think, after a month, we shouldn’t be seeing that, but then, my degrees are far afield from the medical arena. We continue with a NeoSporin rub and bandage nightly. The important thing, Marti has no pain in her back or legs, which is what the operation was supposed to fix, so we’re happy about that. And thank some deity for good insurance daily, as we’ve approached the $400,000 mark, or thereabouts, when everything is added up.
Hopefully back to real tower work soon, as the weather seems to be cooperating.
stay tuned…