Shameless Self Promotion

The box of my books arrived from the it seems only logical to advertise them here, as well as any other place I can! After all, any & all marketing help is good help, right? Herewith:

Antenna Towers for Radio Amateurs by Don DasoAntenna Towers for Radio Amateurs

ISBN13:  978-0-87259-094-6

That’s for those of you who may wish to buy a copy, either from the League (225 Main Street, Newington  CT 06111),  or Amazon. So far, the “reviews” from fellow PVRC members have been very positive, but they’re all old pals or friends, (or, gasp, even clients!), so what can I expect? I assume some reviews will appear shortly other places. I even assume someone, somewhere, won’t be happy with something. But overall, I’m pretty pleaed with the product.

I’ve even reconciled myself to the League marketing department’s subtitle:  A Guide for Design, Installation and Construction. While I really don’t do anything as basic as “designing” a tower structure, there is plenty of material relevant to choosing among the various commercial product designs, et cetera. There’s certainly a lot of practical material.

So, rush out & and buy a copy today! Or simply order it on-line, that’s probably much more practical, & easier….

Stay tuned

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