The Eve of Xmas Eve

Evening, dear Readers…

At home, getting ready for an apparently usual or ordinary “old folks” regimen tomorrow morning, a colonoscopy.
The process leading up to this examination is categorically unpleasant, let me assure you. It’s like a bad skit on Howard Stern, that’s about it.

We’re ready for the xyl’s son & wife & new grand-daughter to show up on Xmas day, with all the relatives from her side of the family showing up here the following day to see the newest family member. I’ll try to remain hidden.

No word from the cardiologist, so apparently I passed the stress test all right.

You reach a certain age, & it’s open season on medical procedures, bills, pills, doctor’s visits, health regimens, & assorted moments of foolishness in trying to cope with insurance, et cetera. Some small inkling of the future in Ohio, visiting my Mother, who was in the hospital with congestive heart failure, but is now home and fine once again. Ahhhh…getting old, but it beats the alternatives all to hell.  Managed to pick up the AM-6154 amplifiers while in Ohio. Managed a brief overnight in Athens to see old friends, while heading back home.

Tower Work? Hmmm, there’s work for locals K4MK, wA4GP, along with old pal AI0O out in MO, then some jobs pending in MD/VA. Three jobs in TN, three in FL, two new SC clients…all await action in the NEW YEAR.

Revised Tower Book MSS delivered to ARRL today. Hopefully that’s the last of the re-writing or additions. Now, to get going on picture needs for the book…

stay tuned…

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