If This Is Tuesday, We Must Be In Fort Mill…

Cheers if this title stirred your memory back to 1969, and the Suzanne Pleshette movie. If it didn’t, no worries….

We found ourselves (finally, at long last) at K4MQG’s to finally get his 402-CD back in the air. The last attempt ran afoul of my inability to judge the distance from atop the tower to a suitable anchor point. I erroneously assumed the 175-ft hunk of 3/16-inch EHS just used at W6NWS’s would work at Gary’s place, but ’twas not to be. We ended up using a 250-ft length today. Once the old 402-CD was balanced, it went up without incident. Then, of course, to add embarrassment to success, managed to get Gary’s truck (used for our anchor), stuck in the very wet field. Luckily, using my truck and the good old reliable Lug-All comealong, we were able to free it from the mud!
Initial VSWR checks show the beam to be almost perfect. The aim frequency was 7.080 & we’re at 7.100.

May actually make a CDXA luncheon tomorrow, as we try to figure out what to do w/the remainder of the week, which is supposed to be just ridiculously COLD~!

stay tuned…

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